VIPKID has become a saving grace for many teachers. Others may not feel like this, but honestly it has. Flexible scheduling, lack of behavior issues with students, and many more amazing stats have teacher's clamoring for a VIPKID teacher's salary. It has very well added to Cindy Mi net worth and bottomline. At Cindy Mi's age, I would be laughing all the way to the bank to. But with great power comes with great responsibility. Business Insider did an editorial on a coming "Utopian future for China." Cindy Mi is a business woman who's industry happens to be education. And like any industry, she needs to keep up with emerging trends. Even if that means some of her net worth goes to investing in A.I. However, will this be a problem for VIPKID teachers? Should teachers be worried that their job is in jeopardy? Watch on as I break down this article and provide commentary. Link to the Business Insider article: ******************************************************** My Blog: My Last Minute Lessons Reading and Audio Series on Teachers Pay Teachers: My Web Design and Development site: My Christian site: Social Media: Facebook fan page: Twitter: LinkedIn: Pinterest:

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